Welcome Y’all!

This is just my little corner of the internet where I share my art and heart for Jesus!

Sermon Journals in the Shop!

Are you tired of hearing sermon after sermon and doing nothing with it? Are all your notes scribbled in a hundred different places? Is your bible stuffed with bulletins and scraps of paper?  Yeah, mine was too!  That’s why I created my Sermon Journal.  This has taken me from just “hearing” the Word to actually “doing” during the week!


Did you miss this week’s newsletter? Catch up here

About Me

I’m a wife, mother of two sweet boys, and lover of Jesus!  In my free time I love to create beautiful art that inspires!  My mission is to be a creative encourager who brings light into dark places!

Don’t miss out on my weekly art freebie! You can grab it by subscribing to my Happy Mail newsletter below!

I send these out each Wednesday with a fun art freebie for you + a little encouragement for your week.

I am always available for personalized or custom pieces! See something you like on my shop? It can be personalized just for you! Have an idea for a unique art piece? Let’s talk about it!

Email me at art.coffee.jesus@gmail.com

Let’s connect!

Find me on instagram and Etsy!

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© 2020 Art Coffee Jesus

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